ANNAPURNA MEDIA NETWORK is a leading media conglomerate destined to enable the social and economic development of Nepal through responsible media practices.AMN works proactively on solving complex problems through media interventions
Climate change is real and our activities are mainly to be blamed. Over the past few decades, climate change effects have been pervasive. We are witnessing its glaring effects such as shrinking of glaciers, early thawing of ice on rivers and lakes, droughts, sea-level rise and heat waves in different parts of the world.
To fight climate change individual steps are not enough and all stakeholders need to jointly work and raise their voice. Right now, these stakeholders are not working in unison and there is lack of coordination, and hence no concrete output. AMN hopes to change this state of affairs by bringing together climate stakeholders and fostering meaningful interactions between them.
Only after mitigating climate change impacts will we be able to lead the nation—and the planet—towards sustainability. This again highlights the need to work as one.
Why AMN?
Annapurna Media Network is one of the leading media houses of Nepal with a massive nationwide reach. AMN owns and operates major media brands like Annapurna Post (2002) and The Annapurna Express (2017) in print, annapurnapost.com, theannapurnaexpress.com, ap1.tv in digital space, AP1HD and AP NEWS in TV, Radio Annapurna Nepal in radio, and APON and AMN NEWS in modern media. It doesn’t confine itself to disseminating news but also feels responsible towards pressing national issues. It has time and again lead the country on various social issues, be it by conducting cycle rallies for cancer awareness or working with the Nepal Medical Council for the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. AMN has always supported the initiatives taken by the Government and stakeholders on various issues that need our urgent attention. This time AMN felt the need to launch a campaign for the protection of the planet and the humanity.
It is a climate change campaign launched by AMN to lead the climate dialogue. Nepal is in the process of rapid development and achieving economic prosperity. In the current development process, the issue of environmental protection has not received due attention. AMN believes in a sustainable development framework that strikes a balance between development and environmental protection. We want to highlight the issue of sustainable development that takes care of the planet. To achieve this, we need to address the challenges posed by the effects of climate change. So the core of the campaign is to unite all stakeholders to work on a sustainable development framework.
Through this campaign, we aim to achieve the following goals:
- Increased dialogue among stakeholders.
- Enhanced the understanding of people on climate change issues.
- Exploration of local knowledge on mitigation and adaptation.
- Increased stories, opinions and other materials on climate change.
- More awareness among politicians on climate change
- Directing their subordinates to work on climate change issues.
- Incorporating climate change issues in their policy documents and programs.
- Supporting AMN in various programs it conducts as a part of the campaign.
- Providing news, content and issues on climate change that they feel need to be addressed through media.
This campaign is a part of AMN’s series of CSR campaigns. There are many more issues that need our urgent attention and AMN will definitely take the lead to push them too. This is just the beginning. We have a long way to go to make this planet a better place to live in.

Know more: [email protected] | 9861590589
Over the decades, climate change has rapidly become one of the greatest challenges faced by mankind so much so that our entire planet’s existence is at stake. Global temperatures have been increasing and are expected to continue soaring in the decades to come which only means more droughts and heatwaves, a rise in seas levels, intense hurricanes and the Arctic being ice-free.
The change in nature can be observed within Nepal as well with the late onset of weathers, a hotter summer and a warmer winter and shift in the rainfall patterns resulting in droughts in half of the country while the other half severely flooded. Though the emission seems negligible against industrialised countries, as per reports, the figures of greenhouse gas emissions have doubled for a small country like Nepal in the last ten years which is a matter of concern. If the right measures are not taken now itself, the crisis of climate change can take an adverse form, and then controlling the situation would be very difficult for a developing nation like ours.
The COP26 climate summit was recently concluded in the United Kingdom. Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba represented Nepal at the summit where he raised concerns about rapid warming of the Himalayas, increase in global temperatures, raising awareness regarding the climate change in the Himalayas. He made certain commitments towards the same like channeling the international climate finance given to Nepal in the right places, holding the Sagarmatha Sambad.
Annapurna Media Network Nepal being one of the biggest media houses of Nepal has certain responsibilities towards society and the nation. Having run a successful campaign as part of its CSR, it is now willing to lead the fight against climate change and wants to partner with the Government and stakeholders to jointly run a two years campaign “Unity for Sustainability”.